Friday, January 9, 2009


Editors Note: Beloved will the righteous called to His service cry out just as Jonah, Elijah, Job and Paul? I heard them ask that a miracle be rendered to take them up? Jonah 4: 3 "Therefore now, O Lord, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live." However God is merciful as we prayed He has spared the righteous for another day. But, who is in Heaven? Who sleeps in the grave? Enoch,But Jesus is the Savior of all of humankind and Enoch and Elijah were called for special service.To the Church and believing Christians everywhere. To those that believe in the Bible as the supreme authority that governs all of humankind. In this we give thanks to God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit that leads and guides us the straightway.Foolish entertainers and athletes that act as clowns for a living,
but make millions are also applauded not for athletic ability (Do Rappers Sing?) but because they are rich and wear outlandish diamond studded jewelry and gal-boy ear-rings. So were Jonah, Job and Paul in Faith.As the earth and its people seem to self destruct there is more than ever a need for the sages, as in the days of the Great prophets to boldly speak up about the Hell-bent mission of those who these days claim God sent them to preach to the people. I lost and won Peace and ,Hip Hopped" to Satan and he will tell a straight man he is crooked and the utter disgrace is that man who is a Fool in his rejection of God will believe the low riding Devil."But those that love the Lord rich or poor have a blessing now and one coming at the Last and Final Day. Thus the winners are those that accept the Gospels and live out the responsibility of love and compassion for God and Christ and other people regardless of station in life.

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